Direct Bus from Salzburg to Budapest

How to get to Budapest from Salzburg? Eurobusways connects the two cities with fast, comfortable minibus transfer. Possible to pick up in Hallstatt or Obertraum also.

Shuttle bus fare from Salzburg to Budapest : 99 €

per person, from door to door transfer, up to 8 persons on board, regular stops

Departure time: 9:00am from Salzburg, EST arrival to Budapest : 2:45pm

Travelling time depends on traffic, road conditions. It may vary according to actual customers demand.

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480 € per bus as private bus transfer

Door to door, english speaking professional driver, possible to stop in Vienna for free of charge.

Choose time of departure (can be daytime or overnight transfer), only you in the bus

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St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest, Hungary

FAQs about travelling from Salzburg to Budapest

How far is Budapest from Salzburg?

It is 550 km (342miles) away.

What is the travel time from Salzburg to Budapest?

Takes 5-5:30 hours, depend on traffic (private drive is faster than shared shuttle usually). Eurobusways door to door bus transfer is faster than train or coach bus service

Compare which is the fastest way to Budapest from Salzburg, train takes 6 hrs, while coach bus 7 hrs and 25mins and you have to add taxi/walking/public transportation time also from stations. No direct flight between the two cities, so with time in transit, hassle to airport, baggage claim, etc. our bus transfer still the fastest way.

fastest way to travel from Salzburg to Budapest

Is there any stop on the way?

If you book door-to-door scheduled bus, we do 2 stops usually on petrol stations. If you choose private day tour, than you can decide on number of stops.

Stop in Linz, Melk or Vienna?

If you would like to stop for sightseeing in Linz or Vienna or see the Melk, please choose private day tour. No extra charge for stops.

You can choose time of departure also if you choose private bus transfer.

Luggage policy

We do not charge for luggage. You pay only for bikes 10 €

Book your hotel

Hotels in Budapest

Hotels in Salzburg

Booking, Payment, Cancellation

How to Pay? by bank transfer in advance or to the driver by cash

How to book? Please, by email or phone, Skype or text message

Cancellation, if you booked in advance and paid through Paypal , you can cancel till 24 hours to departure to get full refund.