Airport shuttle bus from Budapest Airport to Zvolen,Banska Bystrica


54 €to Banska Bystrica

64 € to Ziar nad Hronom

49 € to Zvolen

Prices and departure times can change, need to book in advance.


Bus Timetable from Budapest to Zvolen, Banska Bystrica direction

Departure--> 7:00am - 8:30am from Budapest to Zvolen, Banska Bystrica direction

Private transfer is available on any other different timing.

Budapest to Slovakia airport shuttle bus

Services on our shuttle from Budapest to Slovakia

  • Safe way of travel, vehicle sanitized after each trip
  • Pick up at address
  • WiFi on board
  • English speaking driver
  • modern, airconditioned, fully licenced minibuses

Booking and Payment

Payment : by cash to driver or bank transfer in advance

Booking? Please fill the form below. min. 2 days ahead, if later please contact us, by email or phone, Skype or text message or Whatsapp