Fare : 330 € - Book Now!
door to door private transfer, only you in the bus, FREE stops along the way like Zakopane, Aggtelek caves
About Miskolc
Miskolc is located in Northern Hungary, close to the slovakian border. The city has around 150.000 inhabitants. City of Miskolc has long history from prehistoric ages and thanks to its location, can offer wide range of activities.
Major sights of Miskolc : Castle of Diosgyor, the medieval castle of Diosgyor, which home of knight tournaments during summer. Cave Spa of Miskolctapolca, the unique warm water healing bath which is in a natural cave. Lillafured and Bukk mountain the green area of the city. The Bukk National Park begins at the citylimit. Great outdoor activity.
How long does it take to get to Miskolc?
About 4.5-5 hours from Krakow
Is it a daily service?
Our buses run daily from door-to-door
Any stop on the way?
We do 1-2 stops at petrol stations
Luggage policy
We do not charge for luggage. You have to pay only for bikes or live animals (like dogs) 10 EUR/item.
Book your hotel
Booking, Payment, Cancellation
How to Pay? by card through Paypal in advance or to the driver by cash
How to book? Please, by email or phone, Skype or text message
Cancellation, if you booked in advance and paid through Paypal , you can cancel till 24 hours to departure to get full refund.