What is the fastest way between Budapest and Ruzomberok?
No direct bus or train between Budapest and Ruzomberok. You have to do min. 1 change. Taxi is really expensive to interational routes. We offer affordable shuttle bus or private transfer also.
How long does it take from Budapest to Ruzomberok or back?
It takes around 4:30-5:00 hours.
Is there any border control between Hungary and Slovakia?
No, both countries are in the Schengen area, no border control, but passports required.
Where is the pick up point in Budapest and drop off point in Ruzomberok?
If you send your address through the booking process below or email to our stuff in advance, we try to arrange drop off straight at your door. Otherwise we have two drop off/pick up points in Ruzomberok, see below
Eurobusways does a door-to-door or the nearest point service. we pick you at your address, airport, train station in Budapest. We have two drop off/pick up points in Ruzomberok :
Shell petrol station, Bystricka cesta 55
Bus station Ruzomberok
Luggage policy
luggage is free of charge.
Book your hotel
Ruzomberok hotels
Hotels in Budapest
Booking and Payment
How to Pay? pay to driver by cash (card payment is coming)
How to book? Please fill the form below or email or phone/whatsapp/sms to +36 70 2821827