Budapest to Rovinj, Pula Bus

Fastest bus transfer between Budapest and Rovinj, Croatia

Private bus transfer from Budapest to Rovinj or Pula or from Istria to Budapest. Comfortable way, FREE sidetrips in Zagreb or Ljubljana. Fully flexible, choose any departure time

Private bus Budapest - Pula - Rovinj : 580 €

private bus is available throughout the year

  • total cost, no hidden fees
  • safe, reliable way of travel
  • private bus transfer, only you in the bus
  • choose time of departure
  • possible stop at Ljubljana or Zagreb for no extra cost
  • professional, fluent english driver
  • comfortable minibus with airconditioning
  • no luggage cost

Book your daytour!

Shuttle bus betwee Budapest and Istria, Croatia. Easy, comfortable, fast. No luggage cost, no change!

Shuttle bus Budapest - Pula - Rovinj : 125 €

Available from 1st May, 2025.

per person, one way

  • from door-to-door
  • shared
  • clean, airconditioned vehicles
  • comfortable ride, friendly drivers

Book your seat Now!

Bus timetable from Budapest to Pula, Rovinj direction

Departure time : 9:00am from Budapest EST arrival to Rovinj : 4:40pm, Pula : 5:30pm

Bus timetable from Rovinj, Pula direction to Budapest

Departure time : 8:00am from Pula EST arrival to Rovinj: 9:00am, Budapest arrival 6:00pm

Travelling time depends on traffic conditions

Possible that the bus route will go through Ljubljana instead of Zagreb

Questions about Budapest - Rovinj, Pula bus route

Exploring Croatia?

Are you on an european tour? Visiting more than one place? Email your itinerary and we quote you multiple city tours.

How long does it take?

Takes around 7 hours from Budapest to Rovinj or Pula or from Pula, Rovinj to Budapest. The route can go through either Zagreb or Ljubljana according to actual demand. Same fare, same time on both routes.

Sights to see on the way?

Shared bus stops at petrol stations regularly (10mins in every 2-3 hours around) or as you request, but no side trips. Bus might go into Zagreb or Ljubljana to pick up/drop off passengers but do not wait. If no passenger to pick or drop than direct.

If you wish to see sights on the way like Ljubljana, Zagreb, Maribor or Lake Balaton area, book a private day tour. please contact us for a free quote.

Where is the pick up and drop off point?

We go from door-to-door, so you do not need to carry your luggage or take taxi to anywhere. We pick you from your hotel, AirBnB apartment, airport, train station or ferry port and take you directly to your wished address.

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Booking and Payment

How to Pay? by card in advance or to the driver by cash
How to book? Please, by email or simply fill out the form below

Cancellation, if you booked in advance and paid through Paypal , you can cancel until 24 hours (1 day) to departure

Reschedule, is free of charge if you notice us 2 days before original departure.

see refund policy