How to get from Budapest to Zadar?
How long does it take to get from Budapest to Zadar?
Takes around 5-6 hours to get to Zadar, depends on traffic and border.
Please notice, that you are booking a shared transfer, which may pick/drop passengers in Zagreb or Plitvice lakes, which may cause about 30min extra time. If no passenger to pick/drop bus is not going off the direct road.
Is it a daily service?
Yes, it is a daily service
Travel overnight by bus to Zadar from Budapest?
Available as private transfer
Is it faster than train from Budapest to Zadar?
Absolutely yes. There is no direct train from Budapest to Zadar, but trains are slow and not too comfortable in this part of the world. Our comfortable minibus transfer is the fastest way from Budapest to Zadar.
Any stop on the way?
There will be 2 stops at petrol stations.
Where is the pick up address in Budapest and drop off in Zadar?
If you choose door-to-door service, we pick you at your address, hotel, airBnB apartment in Budapest or Budapest airport and takes you to your address in Zadar (or really close if the location is not accessable by car). Same on Budapest - Zaton or Budapest - Vodice route.
Private day tour to Zadar with stop in Plitvice lakes
If you would like to visit and spend time in Zagreb or Plitvice lakes, please contact us for private day tour fares.
Travelling with kid
Free travel for kids under 4. And provide child seat for free of charge.
Luggage policy
No charge for luggage. You have to pay only for bikes.
Booking, Payment, Cancellation
How to Pay? by card in advance or to the driver by cash
How to book? Please, by email or phone, Skype or text message
Cancellation, cancel till 24 hours to departure to get full refund.
by booking a seat through this website or by email/phone or any messenger service, you state, that you have read, understood and accepted Terms and Conditions.
About Zadar, Croatia
Zadar is a Croatian town, best known its Roman and Venetion ruins in the old town. One of the once heavily fortified cities along the Adriatic cost (like Dubrovnik). Also busy port for cruising and hoping to nearby islands.