Travel from Budapest Sarajevo private bus transfer

travel to Sarajevo, Bosnia

Private bus Budapest to Sarajevo : 499 €

  • door to door transfer
  • choose time of departure
  • only you in the bus
  • comfortable minibus transfer
  • english speaking, professional driver
  • FREE stop in Pecs or Osijek or for lunch at no extra cost
  • possible to travel overnight
  • no luggage cost

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bus available from Sarajevo to Budapest

Route between Budapest and Sarajevo

The only direct way to travel between Budapest and Sarajevo by Eurobusways. Go straight, door to door between Budapest and Sarajevo, at the time you wish to.
The route is going through part of Croatia as well as the beauty part of Bosnia Herzegovina, with river valleys and rocky mountains. optional route to Mostar available

Same route available if you wish to take our transfer from Sarajevo to Budapest.

How long does it take to travel between Budapest and Sarajevo?

Getting Sarajevo takes around around 7-8 hours from Budapest. Bus goes through Croatia not Serbia, so if you require visa, you may need multiple entry Shengen visa.

Eurobusways offers the fastest transfer on road, as no direct train available between Budapest and Sarajevo. (and it was slower actually)

Pecs, Hungary>/h3>

Discover the largest southern city in Hungary. Ancient historical places, good wine, many cultural sights, like Zsolnay porcelain manufacture. Did you know that Victor Vasarely was born here?

Osijek, Croatia

Possible to stop in Osijek, Croatia to see the historical downtown, the fortress and the rivershore of Drava or having a lunch.

Book your hotel

Hotels in Sarajevo

Booking and Payment

How to Pay? pay by card or bank transfer in advance or cash to driver

How to book? At least 2 days ahead pls, by email or message us on Viber/Whatsapp on +36 70 282 1827 or fill out the form below!