Fastest door-to-door bus from Krakow to Budapest

Travel the safest and fastest way from Krakow to Budapest. Private transfer, door-to-door

399 €

total cost, from door to door

Travel from Krakow to Budapest in comfort. We pick you at your hotel, apartment and take you directly to Budapest in 6 hours (depends on traffic).

Departure time from Krakow to Budapest

choose your time of depature, day or overnight

Enjoy scenery while you are travelling

Enjoy travelling through Slovakia and Tatra mountains. Travel time is less than train/bus.

Free stops along the route

Possible to stop in Zakopane, Castle of Orava, Banska Bystrica or Banska Stiavnica for no extra cost. No parking or waiting fee.

Book your seat now!

Budapest, Hungary

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About Budapest

Travel from Krakow to Budapest, or from Budapest to Krakow door to door by Eurobusways. Our bus transfer is the best way to get to Krakow or to Budapest. Easy, Comfortable. No need to carry your luggage, no taxi.

Visit Budapest, take a walk in the streets of Pest, enjoy ruin Pubs and nightlife. Budapest reach in cultural heritage, Buda Castle, Danube Corso.

Our transfer is direct from door to door, in 6 hours, which is much faster and comfortable way to get from Krakow to Budapest than overnight train or coach bus.

Booking and Payment

Payment : by card in advance or to the driver by cash

Booking? At least 2 days ahead, if later please contact us, by email or phone, Skype or text message or Whatsapp